Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Garden, Small visitor. "P" is for picking.

As you can see from this photo the garden is really growing now, and as you can see by my stylish attire, visiting the garden is almost the first thing I do when I get home from work. The other thing you can see in this picture is a little visitor. Nope we did not grow him in the garden (although when he becomes a handfull I often think it would be a good idea to bury him in it) he arrived from Atlanta for a visit to Nana and Paulpauls house. His name is Christian and he loves to visit his Nana. Being from the mighty Metropolis of ATL, the whole gardening thing is quite new to him, actually at his age almost everything is quite new to him. He couldn't wait to go outside and have a look at everything and even though his feet are tiny compared to mine he did manage to squish a few of my plants. Ah well I can't get mad at him I've squished a few myself since taking up this garden hobby. Anyway Christian and Iwandered all over the garden, he asking questions like "what was that I just stepped on Paulpaul??" and me saying "well son, that used to be a cucumber plant" and on and on just substituting cucumber for whatever else he was trampling on. I think it might be a good idea to grow grapes then we can put those feet of his to good use !
In this picture you can just tell from the body language of us both that Christian is about to go Godzilla on more of my plants and I am starting to reach out to grab him and explain that if he keeps squashing them there will be no food to eat next time he visits.
Almost managed to get a picture of my lovely wife on the Blog but didn't pull back far enough.
O.K. these are my yellow Squash which I believe are called Courgettes in England ( a much fancier name don't you think, ) they are getting to the point where they are almost ready to pick. Cheri says to be patient and give them a day or two more. So I shall try to practice the "p" word, how do you think I will do?

Well if you thought Paul was going to Pass the Patience test then you are Pitiful.
As far as I am concerned P is for Picking, and look what I picked !
Now I did manage to restrain myself and only pick two items but" aren't they beauties mate, crikey"
A courgette and a marrow or as they say here in America yellow squash and green squash.(zucchini) I have to say here and now that I have spent most of my life doing anything I can to avoid eating veggies but, I did grow these myself so for the first time in my life I uttered the previously unimaginable sentence"Honey, let's eat these vegetables tonight". D'you know what, those things tasted great. I didn't even have to cover them in mashed potatoes or drown them in ketchup to mask the taste. (childhood tricks)
It was almost a shame to eat them, I mean look at the colour and size and shape, those were perfect squashes...squash...squiiii...veggies.
This blogging stuff is fun isn't it, but hey it is 3:30 in the morning now , so its off to bed for me. I hope all your squashes are perfect too and all your kids and grandkids have really small feet.
Garden Geezer

1 comment:

Paul and Cheri said...

Quite right! Pitiful Paul! Patience are a virtue ... hope you GROW some ...
xoxoxo Cheri